Eats on Feets does not:
- Support or approve of the selling of breastmilk on our network.
- Accept any bartering for breastmilk other than bag-for-bag replacement if needed.
- Match donors and recipients.
- Accept third-party offers or requests (Message/email us for accommodations)
- Suggest our users rely on the results of milk bank screening processes or milk bank donor approval letters for the assurance of safe milksharing.
- Allow re-donating donated milk (Message/email us for accommodations)
- Keep track of matches being made on our page.
- Screen donors or recipients.
- Provide clinical advice/care for breastfeeding difficulties.
- Provide contracts or questionnaires.
- Dictate who should receive breastmilk.
- Collect, store, or distribute breastmilk.
- Endorse any product for sale.
- Purchase advertising or accept advertising on the chapter pages.
- Reimburse volunteers/supporters.
- Act as mediators or advisors if difficulties or misunderstandings occur between parties.
- Accept liability for the outcomes associated with sharing breastmilk.
- Expect donors to try to increase their supply in order to donate milk.
- Refer to outside networks, groups, organizations, professionals, etc.
Next section, About Community Milksharing: The 4 pillars of safe milksharing