What are the benefits of community-based milk sharing?

Some benefits are:

  • Normalizes грудне молоко as the primary food source for babies, wet-nursing, and the sharing of breastmilk
  • Rapid response in acute situations
  • Affordable1
  • Control of the pasteurization process
  • Likelihood of obtaining age-specific milk if desired2
  • Opportunity to meet donor(s) and verify lifestyle and health habits
  • Provides parental autonomy
  • Builds community with other parents
  • In some cultures: extends family to include ‘milk-brothers and -sisters’3
  • Key placement of those whose knowledge, assistance, and networks could be imperative during a state of emergency4

Next: Are there risks to using donor milk?


  1. Eats on Feets does not support or approve of the selling of breastmilk on its network. ↩︎
  2. See Can I receive milk from a donor whose baby is not the same age as mine? ↩︎
  3. According to Islamic law, two babies breastfed by the same milk-providing parent automatically become Mahram (unmarriageable kin). This prevents the use of mixed donor milk from milk banks as it would be impossible to know the family status. ↩︎
  4. See Breastmilk in a state of emergency for more information. ↩︎