West Nile Virus (WNV)

Infection with WNV can be without symptoms or can lead to West Nile fever or severe West Nile disease.1 It is usually transmitted by mosquito bites,2 and there is limited evidence of transmission through 모유.3 According to the CDC, there is no need to routinely screen people who breastfeed or to interrupt breastfeeding if they have been diagnosed with the West Nile virus.

Consult a physician when planning on donating breastmilk, especially if to a premature and sick infant. If concerned about the West Nile virus, donors can request a simple blood test from a healthcare provider.

참조하십시오How can breastmilk be pasteurized at home? for more information on heat-treating and 병원체.



  1. CDC – West Nile Virus ↩︎
  2. CDC – Transmission ↩︎
  3. CDC – Mother to Baby during Pregnancy, Delivery, or Breast Feeding ↩︎