Open sores, bolhas, e/ou rachaduras sangrantes na pele

Someone with chronic Hepatite C (HCV) who is having a flare-up that includes jaundice and/or develops cracked or bleeding nipples should not donate milk. This protocol should also be followed for outbreaks of Sífilis e Herpes. Even though there is no data to suggest that Hepatitis, Sífilis, Herpes, and other infectious diseases are transmitted via leite materno itself, the risk of transmission of many infectious diseases is increased when infants are potentially exposed to blood products from open sores, bolhas, and/or cracked and bleeding skin that enter the breastmilk.

If you have lesões on a breast and/or nipples, it is recommended to not breastfeed your baby on that breast. Pump or express your milk by hand from that breast until the sore is gone. Be sure the parts of your breast pump that touch the milk do not touch the sore while pumping. If this happens, the milk should be thrown away.

Por favordivulgar any open lesions to the recipient and see a healthcare provider if there are any concerns and/or if this is a primary outbreak. Donors should also be aware of the fact that they may not know the status of their partner. Regular bloodtriagem is recommended by milk banks. Labeling bags of donor milk with name and date is important so that a batch of donor milk can be identified if someone develops sores and lesions. Recipients should be aware that they, too, cancontaminar donor milk if they have any lesions on their bodies.

Por favor, vejaComo o leite materno pode ser pasteurizado em casa? para obter mais informações sobre tratamento térmico e patógenos.
