How did Eats on Feets start?

Hey, why don’t we just become wet nurses; instead of Meals on Wheels, we can call ourselves Eats on Feets.

Shell Walker Luttrell, 1991

These words are at the foundation of the Eats on Feets network.

Meals on Wheels is a network comprised of 5,000 community-based programs across the United States dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation.

In July of 2010, Shell, retired LM, CPM, started the original Eats on Feets Facebook Chapter for her community in Arizona. Remembering her words from 1991, she thought that Eats on Feets would be a fun and lighthearted name for a page dedicated to bringing human milk to babies in need. In October of 2010, the idea caught on, and a network of multiple Facebook chapters was created. As of 2025, there is also a Forum.

From Shell Walker’s original Eats on Feets page:

“I started this page after receiving a phone call from a mom who was desperate to find breastmilk for her newborn. I posted her needs on Facebook and the response was immediate and fantastic. I thought it would be awesome if there were a page dedicated to milksharing and tribe nursing.

So, this is a networking page for families to share and receive milk when needed. I am not responsible for milksharing results or content shared by other posters.

And a note of caution; KNOW THY SOURCE. While it is true that tribe feeding offers MANY benefits, there is ALWAYS the risk of disease/contamination.

I support many causes and movements but in the spirit of keeping the site as focused as possible status updates are specific to milksharing.”

Next: What does Eats on Feets believe?
