Drogas, medicamento, álcool, e a decisão de descartar o leite materno

There are few substances that can make their way into the leite materno, some in more significant quantities than others.

Although the presence of a small quantity of medication and/or alcohol in breastmilk may be allowable for a healthy term baby, exposure to these products to a sick baby or preterm baby may be more detrimental.

It is very important that all medication, álcool, and drug consumption be disclosed to recipients.

Donors can either discard the milk pumped after such consumption or note the type and amount on the bag to allow recipients to make an informed decision. A lactating recipient who is supplementing with donor milk may be fine with certain medications if they are using the same or similar medication for instance, while someone else may prefer not to use this donor milk.

The donor should be aware that some medications and drugs remain in their system at measurable levels for longer periods of time.

For more information see the sections Álcool e Medicamento.