Milk banking guidelines1 in most countries require donors to be tested every 3-6 months (depending on the bank) or sooner if there has been any risk of exposure or significant change of health status.
Previous records can be requested if blood work was done recently. Testing for some infectious diseases2 is often done routinely during pregnancy ((This testing does not cover all the diseases that milk banks test for and in most cases, these records will be almost one year old.)) or as part of annual checkups.
If not covered by insurance or public healthcare, becoming a blood donor may provide free screening in certain areas. It is usually possible to request a copy of any testing done. Recipients may also accept proof of regular blood donations with the same agency as evidence of good health. Please, check local blood donor requirements to see qualification requirements and procedures.3 4 5
If pregnant, there is a waiting period of 6 weeks after birth before being allowed to donate blood in the US and up to 6 months in other countries. It should be noted that the blood donation process can vary by region. It is therefore important to always check with your local agency.
It is worth mentioning that many free clinics provide anonymous testing. Since those lab results will not contain the name of the patient, it is important to ask to have it added when requesting a copy.
For blood screening, please visit your healthcare provider, or you may be able to order tests yourself via certain laboratories.6 See these suggested screening tests for milk donors.
- NHS – Donor Breast Milk Banks: The operation of donor milk bank services
Milk bank screening is still mostly based on blood bank screening protocols. ↩︎
- ACOG – Routine Tests During Pregnancy ↩︎
- American Red Cross – Eligibility Criteria: Alphabetical ↩︎
- Australian Red Cross – Eligibility Quizz ↩︎
- Canadian Blood Services – Am I eligible to donate blood? ↩︎
- Direct Labs and Quest Diagnostics These are US resources only. Please let us know what is available in your country by emailing us so we can add this information. ↩︎