Links and references to support the safety information in the Resource for the Safe Sharing of Human Milk.
The Resource for the Informed Sharing of Human Milk and this bibliography were last updated in August 2022.
Emergency and Disasters
AAP Infant Feeding in Disasters and Emergencies
US Breastfeeding Committee Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
USDA Food Defense and Emergency Response
WHO Guiding principles for feeding infants and young children during emergencies
FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts
CDC Infant Formula Preparation and Storage
CDC Cronobacter Infection and Infants
UNICEF Formula for Disaster
Food Safety
Ask Dr. Sears Transporting and Storing Breast Milk
Canadian Institute of Food Safety Understanding the Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing & Sterilizing
CDC Freezing and Food Safety
CDC When and How to Wash Your Hands
CDC How to Keep Your Breast Pump Kit Clean: The Essentials
CDC Proper Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk
CDC What to Do if an Infant or Child is Mistakenly Fed Another Woman’s Expressed Breast Milk Keep Food Safe
Government of Canada Novel foods: Safety of Genetically modified foods
Government of Canada Phthalate Substance Grouping
KidsHealth NZ How To Wash & Sterilise Feeding Equipment
King County Food safety in your home kitchen
Mayo Clinic Infant Breastmilk Storage: Do’s and don’ts
Office and Women’s Health Pumping and storing breastmilk
Standford Medicine Breastmilk Storage and Shipping Instructions
Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology Bacillus cereus Food Poisoning
USDA Food Handling & Preparation
USDA Freezing and Food Safety
USDA World Food Safety Day: Safer Food Means Healthier People
Health Agency Statements on Milk Sharing
FDA Use of Donor Human Milk
Government of Canada Safety of Donor Human Milk in Canada
Australian Breastfeeding Association Position Statement on Donor Milk
Health Considerations
Air travel
FDA Products for Security Screening of People
Health Physics Society Pregnancy and Security Screening
TSA Is Imaging Technology Safe?
Canadian Family Physician Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding. Will it harm my baby?
ASA Statement on Resuming Breastfeeding after Anesthesia
Medindia Drugs used for general anesthesia
Medindia Drugs used for spinals and epidurals
Birth Control
ACOG Fertility Awareness-Based Methods of Family Planning
Healthy Children Birth Control and Breastfeeding
LAM The Lactational Amenorrhea Method
Blood Donation
Government of Canada Transfusion Transmitted Injuries
Breast implants
National Academies Press Safety of silicone breast implants
Healthy Children Mastitis
California Department of Public Health MyPlate Resources
Government of Canada Nutrition and Healthy Eating
USDA Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Victoria State Health Department Breastfeeding and your diet
HPS Pregnancy and Security Screening
Silicone implants
National Academies Press Safety of Silicone Breast Implants
Cleveland Clinic Thrush
IBC Candida Protocol
Illinois DHS Trush – Yeast infection
Government of Canada Pathogen Safety Data Sheets: Infectious Substances – Candida albicans
NHS Oral thrush (Mouth thrush)
NHS Breastfeeding Challenges – Thrush
UnityPointHealth Yeast Infection
CDC Tobacco and E-Cigarettes
Healthy Children Where We Stand: Smoking During Pregnancy
Healthy Children How to Quit: When the Smoker is You
Massachusetts General Hospital Department for Women’s Health You Asked: Is Smoking While Breastfeeding Safe?
CDC Q&As About Vaccination Options for Preventing Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella
CDC Vaccination Safety for Breastfeeding Mothers
Cleveland Clinic Vaccination during pregnancy
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Immunizations & Vaccinations
Human Milk and Human Milk Feeding
Ask Dr. Sears Nutrient Why Breast is Best
Australian Government Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy Collection
CDC Contraindications to Breastfeeding or Feeding Expressed Breast Milk to Infants
DHHS Maternal, Infant and Child Health
Government of Canada Infant Nutrition
Healthy Children Serious Illnesses and Breastfeeding
Healthy Children Nursing During Pregnancy
HealthGuidance Lipases in Breast Milk
WakeMed Mother’s Milk Bank
WHO Breastfeeding
Infectious Diseases
CDC Brucellosis
NHS Brucellosis
NYS Dept. of Health Chickenpox (varicella zoster infection)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
American Red Cross In-Depth Discussion of Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease and Blood Donation
CDC Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Classic (CJD)
Government of Canada Prion Diseases
Health Protection Scotland Information for people who have an increased risk of CJD
NHS Causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
NHS Is CJD contagious?
NIH Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Fact Sheet
Public Health Agency of Canada Classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Canada
Public Health England Information for people who have an increased risk of CJD
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
CDC About Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
CDC Babies Born with Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Congenital CMV Infection
CDC Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
CDC Ebola Virus Disease
CDC Mothers with Hepatitis B or C infections can breastfeed their infants
HHS Viral Hepatitis in the United States: Data and Trends
Rady Children’s Breastfeeding and Hepatitis
NIH Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1
NIH Human T-cell leukemia virus type 2
NORD HTLV Type I and Type II
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
CDC Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
CDC What to Do if an Infant or Child Is Mistakenly Fed Another Woman’s Expressed Breast Milk
HIV Sequence Database HIV and SIV Nomenclature
Los Alamos National Laboratry HIV and SIV Nomenclature
CDC Influenza (Flu)
Lyme Disease
CDC Lyme Disease
Infant Risk Inaccurate Information Online Regarding Breastfeeding with Lyme Disease
Monkey Pox
CDC Clinical Considerations for Monkeypox in People Who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Infant Risk Center Infant Risk Center Statement on Monkeypox: Infection, Vaccines, and Treatment for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women
Prevention Screening & Testing
ACOG Routine Tests During Pregnancy
CDC Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Update: Universal Precautions for Prevention of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, and Other Bloodborne Pathogens in Health-Care Settings
NIH HIV Testing
CDC Rubella (German Measles, Three-Day Measles)
Government of Canada Pathogen Safety Data Sheets: Infectious Substances – Rubella virus
NHS Rubella
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period
US Breastfeeding Committee Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies, including COVID-19
HMBANA Milk Handling for COVID-19 Positive or Suspected Mothers in the Hospital Setting
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Office on Women’s Health Sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and breastfeeding
CDC Syphilis – CDC Fact Sheet
Office on Women’s Health Syphilis
STD Center Syphilis testing: types, timing, and accuracy
CDC latent TB infection and TB disease.
CDC Signs & Symptoms
CDC Tuberculosis and Pregnancy
West Nile Virus
CDC West Nile Virus
CDC West Nile Virus Transmission
CDC West Nile Virus – Mother to Baby during Pregnancy, Delivery, or Breast Feeding
AAFP Medication in the Breastfeeding Mother
IBC Breastfeeding and Medications
NIH A to Z list of cancer drugs
Brian Palmer, DDS For Better Health
HRSA Recommended Uniform Screening Panel
Maria Armstrong Bereavement Resources
Galactosemia Foundation The Galactosemias
Green Life Bites Breast Milk Storage
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Breast milk does not constitute occupational exposure as defined by standard
Victoria State Government Dept. of Health Water – a vital nutrient The Dirty Dozen
Source Unknown How can you safely heat treat breastmilk
UCBerkelyNews HIV in breastmilk killed by flash-heating, new study finds
Premature Babies
Stanford Children’s Health Necrotizing Enterocolitis in the Newborn
Facebook Unfriending or Blocking Someone
GetSafeOnline Social Networking Sites
IBCLC Credential Verification
Direct Labs
Quest Diagnostics
Australian Clinical Labs
CDC Yellow Book. Chapter 7. Travel & Breastfeeding
CDC Travelers’ Health
TSA Strollers, car seats, breastmilk, oh my!
TSA Traveling with Children
TSA Liquids Rule
Travel and blood donation eligibility
American Red Cross Eligibility: Alphabetical
American Red Cross Requirements by Donation Type
Australian Red Cross Eligibility Quiz
Bloddonor DK Bloddonorerne Danmark
Canadian Blood Services Am I eligible to donate blood?
Health Sciences Authority Can I donate blood
The research used in 2010 when creating the Resource for the Informed Sharing of Human Milk dates from 2011 and prior. Since 2012, studies have been added in order to keep our Resource up to date.
To our knowledge, there is no information that shows that commerce-free community-based milksharing cannot be done safely.1 We have facilitated commerce-free community-based milksharing since 2010 and no documented cases of disease transmission or bacterial infection associated with informed milksharing using the “4 Pillars of Safe Breastmilk Sharing” have been documented.
References from 2012-2022 
Emergencies and Disasters
- Gribble KD. 2012. Milk sharing and formula feeding: Infant feeding risks in comparative perspective
- Keim SA, et al. 2013. Microbial contamination of human milk purchased via the Internet.
- Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC. 2014 Just One Bottle Won’t Hurt” –or Will it?
- Colin Binns, MBBS, Ph.D., et al. 2016. The Long-Term Public Health Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Bartick, M. C., Schwarz, et al. 2017. Suboptimal breastfeeding in the United States: Maternal and pediatric health outcomes and costs
- Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy. 2019 and beyond
Tear gas and pepper spray
- Rothenberg, 2016. Tear gas: an epidemiological and mechanistic reassessment
- Center for Health Protection, Hong Kong. 2019. Health Information on Tear Gas
- National Collaborating Health Centre for Environmental Health, Canada. 2010. Pepper spray in the indoor environment and in the vicinity of food products and preparation surfaces
- NIH. 2021.Capsaicin
- NIH. 2021. Capsicum
- Cândida Caniçali Primo1, et al. 2013. Effects of maternal nicotine on breastfeeding infants
- Sarah Reece-Stremtan, et al. 2015. Clinical Protocol #21: Guidelines for Breastfeeding and Substance Use or Substance Use Disorder
- Brian P. Jenssen, MD, MSHP, FAAP, et al. 2019. E-Cigarettes and Similar Devices
Human Milk Banking and Sharing
- Maria Armstrong, Shell Luttrell. 2012. The Four Pillars of Safe Breast Milk Sharing
- AAP. 2012. Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
- Infant and Young Child Feeding Subspecialty Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. 2013. Guidelines for Human-Milk-Banking
- Aunchalee E. L. Palmquist and Kirsten Doehler. 2014. Contextualizing online human milksharing: Structural factors and lactation disparity among middle-income women in the U.S
- Aunchalee E. L. Palmquist and Kirsten Doehler. 2015. Human Milk Sharing Practices in the U.S.
- Perinatal Services BC. 2016. Informal (Peer-to-Peer) Milk Sharing: The Use of Unpasteurized Donor Human Milk
- National Association of Neonatal Nurses. 2016. Reimbursement for Donor Human Milk for Preterm Infants
- Aunchalee E. L. Palmquist, PhD, MA, IBCLC, et al. 2019. Current Trends in Research on Human Milk Exchange for Infant Feeding
- Kim Updegrove, MSN, MPH, APRN, CNM, et al. 2020. HMBANA Standards for Donor Human Milk Banking: An Overview
Human Milk Feeding
- American Academy of Pediatrics. 2012. Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
- ARSHIYA SULTANA, et al. 2013. Clinical Update and Treatment of Lactation Insufficiency
- World Health Organization. 2013. 10 Facts of Breastfeeding
- Maxwell Bressler, et al. 2013. How Long Does Flashe-Heated Breastmilk Remain Safe for a Baby to Drink at Room Temperature?
- Jeannette T. Crenshaw, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, IBCLC, FAAN, LCCE, FACCE 2014. Healthy Birth Practice #6: Keep Mother and Baby Together—It’s Best for Mother, Baby, and Breastfeeding
- Al-Shehri, et al. 2015. Breastmilk-Saliva Interactions Boost Innate Immunity by Regulating the Oral Microbiome in Early Infancy
- Victora CG, et al. 2016. Lancet Breastfeeding Series Group. Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect
- Anne Eglash, et al. 2017. ABM Clinical Protocol #8: Human Milk Storage Information for Home Use for Full-Term Infants
- Miriam Harris, et al. 2023. ABM Clinical Protocol #21: Breastfeeding in the setting of substance use and substance use disorder
- WHO. 2017. International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes
- Bernardo L. Horta, MD, Ph.D., Cesar G. Victora, MD, PhD. WHO 2017. Long-term effects of breastfeeding
- Kelsey Fehr, et al. 2020. Breastmilk Feeding Practices Are Associated with the Co-Occurrence of Bacteria in Mothers’ Milk and the Infant Gut: The Child Cohort Study
- Marie Davis, RN, IBCLC. NetCE 2022. Accredited Breastfeeding Course for Nurses
Human Milk Properties
- Olivia Ballard, JD, Ph.D. 2015. Human Milk Composition: Nutrients and Bioactive Factors
- Monika A. Zielinska, Jadwiga Hamulga. 2019. Protective Effect of Breastfeeding on the Adverse Health Effects Induced by Air Pollution: Current Evidence and Possible Mechanisms
Stem cells and HAMLET
- Foteini Hassiotou and Peter E. Hartmann. 2014. At the Dawn of a New Discovery: The Potential of Breast Milk Stem Cells
- Feiruz Alamiri, et al. 2019. HAMLET, a Protein Complex from Human Milk, Has Bactericidal Activity and Enhances the Activity of Antibiotics against Pathogenic Streptococci
- Seema Tripathy, et al. 2019. Potential of breastmilk in stem cell research
- Shailaja Mane, et al. 2022. Studies of Stem Cells in Human Milk
Infection and Infectious Diseases
- Medela. 2012. Research Overview: The Transmission of Cytomegalovirus to Preterm Infants via Breastmilk: Evidence and Issues
- Noni E MacDonald. 2016. Maternal Infectious Disease and Breastfeeding
- WHO. 2016. Guidance for national tuberculosis programmes on the management of tuberculosis in children
- World Health Organization. 2016. Guideline. Updates on HIV and Infant Feeding
- World Health Organization. 2016. Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV
- Carolina Rosadas and Graham P. Taylor. 2019. Mother-to-Child HTLV-1 Transmission: Unmet Research Needs
- Robert M. Lawrence. 2020. Transmission of Infectious Diseases Through Breast Milk and Breastfeeding
- Carina Conzelmann, et al. 2020. Holder Pasteurization Inactivates SARS-CoV-2 in Human Breast Milk
- ARUP Laboratories. 2020. Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Types I and II Testing
- Laura S. Madore. Donna J. Fisher. 2021. The Role of Breast Milk in Infectious Disease
- Katrina B. Mitchell, et al. 2022. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Clinical Protocol #36: The Mastitis Spectrum, Revised 2022
- WHO. 2022. Clinical management and infection prevention and control for monkeypox: Interim rapid response guidance
- Dana M. Meaney-Delman, MD, MPH, et al. 2022. A Primer on Monkeypox Virus for Obstetrician–Gynecologists
- Hale, Thomas. 2012. Medications and Mothers’ Milk. Print
- American Family Physician RICHARD A. GUTHMANN, M.D, et al. 2015. Combined Oral Contraceptives for Mothers Who Are Breastfeeding
- Erin Martin, et al, Breastfeeding Medicine. 2018. ABM’s Protocol #15 Peripartum Analgesia and Anesthesia for the Breastfeeding Mother
- Katrina B. Mitchell. 2019. ABM Clinical Protocol #31: Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Studies in Lactating Women
- MotherToBaby. 2021. Chemotherapy
- Wendy Jones. 2021. Thyroid Medication (under and over-active) and Breastfeeding
Organ Transplant
- Kristina (Muñoz-Flores) Thiagarajan, RN, MN, PhD, et al. 2013. Safety considerations: breastfeeding after transplant
- Anupam Chandra, MD. 2019. Immunosuppression and Reproductive Health After Kidney Transplantation
- Philip O. Anderson. 2020. Breastfeeding After Organ Transplantation
Pregnancy and lactation
- Farah Madarshahian and Mohsen Hassanabadi. 2012. A Comparative Study of Breastfeeding During Pregnancy: Impact on Maternal and Newborn Outcomes
- O.M. Shaaban, et al. 2015. Effect of pregnancy-lactation overlap on the current pregnancy outcome in women with substandard nutrition: a prospective cohort study
- Bobby Ghaheri, MD. 2014. Tong and Lip Tie FAQ
- Lane Strathearn, et al. 2019. Does Breastfeeding Protect Against Substantiated Child Abuse and Neglect? A 15-Year Cohort Study
- DHS Fact Sheet. Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) Health & Safety
- Andrea Abate, et al. 2020. Relationship of Breastfeeding and Malocclusion: A review of the literature
- Reed Mangels, PhD, RD. Simply Vegan, 5th Edition 2013. Print
- Amanda Barrett. 2014. The Controversy over Added Hormones in Meat and Dairy
- European Parliament. 2016. Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture
Premature Babies
- M L Giannì, et al. 2012. Adiposity in small for gestational age preterm infants assessed at term equivalent age
- Alexander H. Penn, et al. 2012. Digested formula but not digested fresh human milk causes death of intestinal cells in vitro: implications for necrotizing enterocolitis
- National Association of Neonatal Nurses. 2016. Reimbursement for Donor Human Milk for Preterm Infants
- Diane L. Spatz, Ph.D. RNC FAAN, and Taryn M. Edwards, BSN RNC. 2016. The Use of Human Milk and Breastfeeding in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Brenda L. Tesini, MD. 2020. Neonatal Hospital-Acquired Infection
- Tricia J. Johnson, et al. 2020. The Economic Impact of Donor Milk in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
References 2011 and prior 
- Richard Quan, et al. 1992. Effects of Microwave Radiation on Anti-infective Factors in Human Milk
- Institute of Medicine. 1999. Safety of Silicone Breast Implants
- Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. 108 No. 3 September 2001. The Transfer of Drugs and Other Chemicals Into Human Milk
- DHHS. December 2009. 5th Edition. Section VII, Occupational Health and Immunoprophylaxis. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
- John W. Sedat, Ph.D. April 6, 2010. Letter of concern (whole body back scatter X-ray scanners)
- Kay Hoover, M Ed, IBCLC. 2011. Radio-Contrast Agents and Breastfeeding
- Deborah Anderson CNM, MSN. 2011. A Review of Systemic Opioids Commonly Used for Labor Pain Relief
Human Milk Banking and Sharing
- FDA. William Rodriguez, MD, Ph.D. Potential Risks which could be associated with Consumption of some Human Breast Milk
- INFACT Canada. 2003. Human Milk Banking
- Douglas B. Tully et al. 2005. Donor Milk: What’s In It and What’s Not
- Nicole J. Bernshaw, MSc, IBCLC. 2006. Milk banking: an idea that has come of age Non-profit milk banks
- Willemijn E. Corpeleijn et al. Nutrients, 2010. Human Milk Banking–Facts and Issues to Resolve
- R. Cohen. Archives of disease in childhood, Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol. 95, Number 2. 2010. Retrospective review of serological testing of potential human milk donors
- CDC. Kenneth L. Dominguez, MD, MPH. 2010. Human Milk Banking: Considerations related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Dr. Sharon Unger, MD, FRCP. 2010. Human Donor Milk: The Canadian Experience
- HMBANA Matters. 2010. Sept. Newsletter
- Akre, James E., Karleen D. Gribble, and Maureen Minchin. 2011. Milk Sharing: From Private Practice to Public Pursuit
- Sheela R. Geraghty, MD, MS, IBCLC, Julie E. Heier, BS, and Kathleen M. Rasmussen, ScD, RD. 2011. Got Milk? Sharing Human MIlk via the Internet
Human Milk Feeding
- RA Lawrence. 1999. Storage of human milk and the influence of procedures on immunological components of human milk
- World Health Organization. 2002. Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Mohrbacher and Stock. 2003. The Breastfeeding Answer Book. Print
- Dror Mandel, et al. Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Volume 116, No. 3, September 2005. Fat and Energy Contents of Expressed Human Breast Milk in Prolonged Lactation
Human Milk Properties
- J. H. Brock. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1980.Lactoferrin in human milk: its role in iron absorption and protection against enteric infection in the newborn infant
- Cutberto Garza, MD, PhD. 1987. Special Properties of Human Milk
- Esperanza F. Rivera, M.D., et al. Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis 1989. Antimicrobial Activity of Breastmilk Against Common Pediatric Pathogens
- Richard Quan, et al. CLIN PEDIATR 1994. The Effect of Nutritional Additives on Anti-Infective Factors in Human Milk
- Susan Orlando, RNC, MS. JOGNN, Volume 24, Number 7. September 1995. The Immunologic Significance of Breast Milk
- Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC. 1995. How Breast Milk Protects Newborns
- L. G. GIUGLIANO, et al. J. Med. Microbiol, Vol. 42, 1995. Free secretory component and lactoferrin of human milk inhibit the adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
- Y. Andersson, et al. 2000. Lactoferrin is responsible for the fungistatic effect of human milk
- Catharina Svanborg, et al. 2003. HAMLET Kills Tumor Cells by an Apoptosis-Like Mechanism Cellular, Molecular, and Therapeutic Aspects
- Charles E. Isaacs. The Journal of Nutrition, 2005. Human Milk Inactivates Pathogens Individually, Additively, and Synergistically
- Catherine J. Field. 2005. The Immunological Components of Human Milk and Their Effect on Immune Development in Infants.
- Robert M. Lawrence, MD, et al. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, January 2007. Human Breast Milk: Current Concepts of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
- RJ McClure. 2007. Trophic feeding of the preterm infant
- Hashem Al-Sheikh. 2009. Effect of Lactoferrin and Iron on the Growth Human Pathogenic Candida Species
- Dr. John May. La Trobe University. 2010. Transmission Rates of Viral Contaminants, Microbial contaminants or nucleic acid detected in human milk
Infection and Infectious Diseases
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Stagno, et al. 1980. Breast Milk and the Risk of Cytomegalovirus Infection
- Friis H, Andersen HK. 1982. Rate of inactivation of cytomegalovirus in raw banked milk during storage at -20ºC and pasteurization
- Catherine S. Peckham. 1989. Cytomegalovirus in the neonate
- Kei Numazaki. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (9), pp.867-872, September 2005. Human cytomegalovirus infections in premature infants by breastfeeding
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Medical Directors and Charge Technologists of Hospital Transfusion Services – Scientific Document. 2001. Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing for HIV
- UNICEF, UNAIDS, WHO, UNFPA. 2003. HIV and Infant Feeding, Guidelines for decision-makers
- United Republic of Tanzania – Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV. 2007. Module 6. Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV Infection
- Pamela Morrison IBCLC. 2009. Taking Another Look at Global Policy on HIV and infant feeding 1985 – 2008
- World Health Organization. 2010. Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV
- E. Shim, et al. Rotavirus epidemic & its vaccination
- UNICEF, UNAIDS, WHO, UNFPA. 2010. Guidelines on HIV and Infant Feeding, Principles and recommendations for infant feeding in the context of HIV and a summary of evidence
- Sera L Young et al. 2010. Infant feeding practices among HIV-positive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, indicate a need for more intensive infant feeding counseling
Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV)
- Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. 1988. HTLV-1 Antibody Testing, Director
- Ando Yoshiya. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol. 80, Number 5. 1989. Effect of Freeze-Thawing Breast Milk on Vertical HTLV-I Transmission from Seropositive Mothers to Children
- Yoshiro Tsuji, MD, PhD. 1990. Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type-I
- Renu B. Lal, et al. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 168, No 3. September 1993. Evidence for Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type II
- Toshinori Fujino and Yukihiro Nagata. 2000. HTLV-I transmission from mother to child
- ARUP Laboratories. 2006. Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Types I and II Testing
- Ioannis Mylonas. 2010. HTLV infection and its implication in gynecology and obstetrics
- Odds, 1981. Genital Candidosis
- Rashid, et al. 1984. Letter to the Editor. British Journal of Venereal Diseases. Survival of Candida albicans on fabric after laundering
- Odds. 1988. 2nd Edition. Candida and Candidosis. Print, p.14
- University Midwifery Associates. 2005. Yeast and Breastfeeding
- A statement prepared jointly by the Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization (GPV) and the Divisions of Child Health and Development (CHD), and Reproductive Health (Technical Support ) (RHT) World Health Organization. November 1996. Hepatitis B and breastfeeding
- WHO. 2000. Mastitis, Causes and Management
- Abbott Diagnostics. 2001. Congenital Diseases Learning Guide
- Minnesota Department of Health, STD and HIV Section, Syphilis Elimination Project. April 2007. Sample Syphilis Treatment Protocol
- USDA. 2007. Keep Hands Clean
- CDC. 2008. Chicken Pox Vaccine, What you need to know. Department of Health and Human Services
- Rode Kruis Vlaanderen. 2008. Nuttige informatie voor de donor
- Slavena Vylkova, et al. 2011. The Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans Autoinduces Hyphal Morphogenesis by Raising Extracellular pH
Milk Bank Forms, Guidelines, and Statements
- Milk Matters. Donor Screening Form
- Milk Matters. Breastmilk Donor Information
- WakeMed Mothers’ Milk Bank. Illness and Medication Form
- HMBANA. Pauline Sakamoto, MS, PHN, RN
- HMBANA. Donor Human Milk: Ensuring Safety and Ethical Allocation
- HMBANA Position Paper on Donor Milk Banking. The Value of Human Milk
- FDA. William Rodriguez, MD, Ph.D. Potential Risks which could be associated with Consumption of some Human Breast Milk
- INFACT Canada. 2003. Human Milk Banking
- FDA Working Group. 2005. Backgrounder on Banked Human Milk
- WakeMed Lactation Center and Mother’s Milk Banks. 2009. Donor Milk Program Fact Sheet
- NICE. February 2010. Donor breastmilk banks: the operation of donor milk bank services
- Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast Donor Milk Safety and Screening
Jaw Development
- Mulliken, et al. October 1989. Growth of Reconstructed Condyle in HFM
- Pascal Tschill et al. 1997 European Orthodontic Society. Malocclusion in the deciduous dentition of Caucasian children
- David C. Page, DDS. 2003. Your Jaws Your Life. Print
- Lawrence Kotlow DDS. Why can’t my baby breastfeed: The effects of an abnormal maxillary frenum attachment
- Lawrence A. Kotlow, DDS. 2005. Oral Diagnosis of Abnormal Frenum Attachments in Neonates and Infants: Evaluation and treatment of the maxillary frenum using the erbium: Yag laser
- Lawrence A. Kotlow D.D.S. P.C. 2010. Does Your Child Need a Revision of the Lingual Frenum?
- Lawrence Kotlow DDS. 2010. Newborn Infants Dental Concerns
- Medela. WHO Code External FAQs
- FDA. Apply the Heat Chart
- James D Hundertmark. MJA, Vol. 177. November 2002. Chronic fatigue syndrome clinical practice guidelines: psychological factors
- David J. Rechtman, et al. 2006. Effect of Environmental Conditions on Unpasteurized Donor Human Milk
- WHO. 2006. Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care
- USAID. 2007. THE LACTATIONAL AMENORRHEA METHOD (LAM): A Postpartum Contraceptive Choice for Women Who Breastfeed
- North Dakota CCR&R, 2010. Guidelines for Breastmilk in Child Care
- Stephen P Coburn, et al. 1983. Effect of megavitamin treatment on mental performance and plasma vitamin B6 concentrations in mentally retarded young adults
- WHO. 2001. Healthy Eating during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, Booklet for mothers
- Mary Frances Picciano. 2003. Pregnancy and Lactation: Physiological Adjustments, Nutritional Requirements and the Role of Dietary Supplements
- Susana Ares Seguraa. 2003. The importance of maternal nutrition during breastfeeding: Do breastfeeding mothers need nutritional supplements?
- LINKAGES. July 2004. Breastfeeding and Maternal Nutrition: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Lindsay H Allen. 2005. Multiple micronutrients in pregnancy and lactation: an overview
- Sheila M. Innis. 2006. Trans fatty intakes during pregnancy, infancy and early childhood
- Sheila M. Innis. 2008. Human milk: maternal dietary lipids and infant development
- Emilio Herrera & Maria Pilar Ramos. 2008. Long-term effects of trans fatty acid intake during pregnancy and lactation: does it have deleterious consequences?
- Adrian Mainstone. 2008. Essential nutrition for babies
- Steven H Zeisel. 2009. Is maternal diet supplementation beneficial? Optimal development of infant depends on mother’s diet
- Abbott Nutrition. 2009. Pediatric Nutrition Product Guide
- WHO. 2007. Safe preparation, storage, and handling of powdered infant formula guidelines
Flash Heat
- Kirsten Ballard, et al. 2004. Viral, Nutritional, and Bacterial Safety of Flash-heated and Pretoria Pasteurized Breast Milk to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Resource-Poor Countries: A Pilot Study
- Kiersten Israel-Ballard et al. 2005. TaqMan RT-PCR and VERSANT® HIV-1 RNA 3.0 (bDNA) assay Quantification of HIV-1 RNA viral load in breastmilk
- Kiersten A. Israel-Ballard, MPH, et al. 2006. Acceptability of Heat Treating Breast Milk to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Zimbabwe: A Qualitative Study
- K. Israel-Ballard et al. 2006. Bacterial Safety of Flash-heated and Unheated Expressed Breastmilk during Storage
- Caroline J. Chantry, et al. Letter to the Editor. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2006. Breast Milk Pasteurization: Appropriate Assays to Detect HIV Inactivation
- Kirsten Ballard, MPH, et al. 2007. Flash-Heat Inactivation of HIV-1 in Human Milk – A Potential Method to Reduce Postnatal Transmission in Developing Countries
- K. Israel-Ballard. 2008. Flash-heated and Pretoria Pasteurized destroys HIV in breastmilk & Preserves Nutrients
- Kiersten A. Israel-Ballard, DrPH, et al. 2008. Vitamin Content of Breast Milk From HIV-1–Infected Mothers Before and After Flash-Heat Treatment
- Caroline J. Chantry, MD. et al. 2009. Effect of Flash-Heat Treatment on Immunoglobulins in Breast Milk
- Sera Young, et al. 2009. Flash-heating breastmilk is feasible in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Mylene L. Volk, MS et al. 2010. Inactivation of Cell-Associated and Cell-Free HIV-1 by Flash-Heat Treatment of Breast Milk
- Mduduzi N. N. Mbuya, et al. 2010. Heat Treatment of Expressed Breast Milk Is a Feasible Option for Feeding HIV-Exposed, Uninfected Children after 6 Months of Age in Rural Zimbabwe
- Milk Pasteurization, Types of Pasteurizing Plant
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- A few points on Keim, et al. 2013 in our response here. ↩︎